TAPI 3.0 Dialer and IP Multicast Conference Viewer
TAPI 3.0 Dialer and IP Multicast Conference Viewer
Wave Manipulation Component
Avid Visual Extensions
AnswerWorks 4 API
Capabilities Interface
Downloaded 977 times
pcAnywhere32 Display Driver Information DLL
AWE32 Manager
Microsoft Faxtransport
Extensie-DLL van Microsoft At Work Fax Exchange
EFAX-filbaserat transportgränssnitt
IFAX filbaserat gränsnitt för lokalt fax
pcAnywhere Monitor DLL
AnswerWorks PerfectExpert Search Tab
AnswerWorks Runtime Library
Adobe SCL
Java(TM) Platform SE binary
AnswerWorks TPort Search glue
Fax Utilities
pcANYWHERE32 Win NT 5 Display Driver
axauto15 Module
ActiveX Bridge JavaBeans(TM)
AccAOL Module
axcontrols DLL
Encryption Library
Downloaded 1227 times
axdb16 Module
AxDbXML Extension DLL
Developed by Microsoft
AXE Shared EXPAT (UTF-16 native)
AXE Shared EXPAT (UTF-8 native)
Gator ActiveX-Enabled UI
Adobe XML Engine: DOM Core
Adobe XML Engine Parser
Downloaded 3104 times
Downloaded 5378 times
VST Plugin
Downloaded 966 times
Downloaded 1034 times
Downloaded 1068 times
Viewpoint Media Player for Internet Explorer
Viewpoint Media Player for Internet Explorer