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NVIDIA nView Desktop and Window Manager
Novell Client Local File Copy
Ogg Vorbis plugin for Nero
NextPOS Corporation NPR2 Services
VST Plug-In
Autodesk Hardcopy Paper Size Wizard Resource DLL
Sound Output Handler for jetAudio
LEADTOOLS(r) DLL for Win32
Microsoft Office Document Imaging Ink Library
Microsoft Office Server Extensions Localized Resources
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CDRInfoFilter Module
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Shell Extension DLL
Vortex MIDI Thru
Digital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
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Downloaded 631 times
Corel Color UI Library
Internet Protocol Library
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Diva Management - Ditask
CorelDRAW Brush Tool Core Library
CorelDRAW Connector Tool Library
MS DTC XA transaction manager DLL
ECTaskSchedulerRes DLL
ERHttp01 DLL
RealVideo 8
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Oldsk00l Future Composer, SoundMon and ProTracker WinAmp plugin
JG Event Midi Decoder/Player DLL
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Downloaded 631 times
Microsoft Design Tools - Site Designer
AXENT Raptor Firewall for NT MMCMixin65 File
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mpegdecoder2 Module
Microsoft Jet Transport Library
Microsoft Search Admin Objects