Microsoft(R) Visual Studio Solution Package
Microsoft(R) Visual Studio Solution Package
Downloaded 232 times
Microsoft TAPI Audio, Video and RTP Filters
System Event Notification Service (SENS)
Microsoft (R) Visual Studio VSA HTTP Source Installer
Downloaded 151 times
Plug-and-Play-tjänst i användarläge
Tar Plugin for 7-Zip
Task Scheduler Sage DLL
Distributed Link Tracking Client
Simple File System plugin for RealMedia
XFontMan Module
Downloaded 309 times
Downloaded 439 times
Microsoft .NET Framework Setup
Vindaloo XML Preset Reader
Downloaded 972 times
Downloaded 334 times
Downloaded 106 times
Downloaded 345 times
Downloaded 387 times
WMI Provider for Sessions and Connections
User-Generated Microsoft (R) C/C++ Runtime Library
MDM Device Interface for Nike device.
Developed by Microsoft
Downloaded 255 times
Microsoft Excel Callback DLL
Adobe Audition Language Module
Visio Solutions Utilities DLL
Downloaded 290 times
Borland Database Engine
Downloaded 413 times
Windows Sockets Helper DLL
Downloaded 348 times
Multi-User Windows Server DLL
Shareaza Skin (SKS) File Support
NVIDIA nForce Control Panel Traditional Chinese Resources
Downloaded 101 times
Downloaded 319 times
Java(TM) Platform SE binary
3-D custom controls support module
Downloaded 301 times
Studio Resource DLL
.NET Framework