AnswerWorks Runtime Library
AnswerWorks Runtime Library
pcAnywhere Monitor DLL
IFAX filbaserat gränsnitt för lokalt fax
EFAX-filbaserat transportgränssnitt
Microsoft Faxtransport
AWE32 Manager
pcAnywhere32 Display Driver Information DLL
Capabilities Interface
AnswerWorks 4 API
Microsoft Office 2000 component
Avid Visual Extensions
Wave Manipulation Component
TAPI 3.0 Dialer and IP Multicast Conference Viewer
OpenViz (TM) Java OpenGL Interface Module
Kaspersky Anti-Virus Script Checker Main Module
AVPKeyStore Component
AVP Engine (FPI DLL)
KAV Scanner tracing resource DLL
AVP2 Customization DLL
AVP low lewel I/O driver (Win NT/2000)
Avid OMF Toolkit
AVM FAX Service Provider
Metering Controls
AV Master Draw Driver
AVM ISDN-Controller NDIS WAN CoInstaller
Kasperksy Anti-Virus localization module (Russian)
a small dll made for Mirc to use winamp
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File Provider System - implementation for AVI, WAV & Images
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Avisynth video processing scripting language
Uncompressed AVI reader
miroVIDEO AFP - AVI File Provider DLL
Sony Video For Windows 2 File Format
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Microsoft AVI File support library
Microsoft AVI File support library